ITA ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED is owned and run by Martyn Hall. Martyn has been involved in the Film Industry since 1973 and prior to that whilst still at school assisting his father, Denis Hall. Denis was the VFX Supervisor on 2001, A SPACE ODYSSEY working with Doug Trumbull and Wally Veevers. It was through this background that Martyn was indoctrinated into the Film Industry.
Martyn later went on to work on many high profile projects such as A Clockwork Orange, Alien, Bladerunner, Watership Down, Chariots of Fire, Gandhi, Krull, The Keep and Plague Dogs. He worked for Ridley Scott, Stan Kubrick, Martin Rosen, Richard Attenborough, Michael Mann and Peter Yates. He worked on the advert “Apple Mac Computers 1984” which his company won a BTAA award for Craft.
In 1986 he went on to work in finance and business development, was extremely successful in financing many million pounds of equipment, particularly in the printing industry. From 1999 he has worked on various projects helping Producers and Writers in their projects. He has developed finance models which now culminates in the current ITA Finance Process.
ITA ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED now comprises ITA Finance Limited and ITA Film Studios Limited and is based in Suffolk, England. ITAG also has an associate company and partners who invest into Film and Other type of projects.
When financing there is an economical level that we are able to work. Our main focus is financing Feature Film for Theatrical Release and High End Television Series.