Martyn Hall

Martyn was introduced to the Film Industry from a very early age. His father, Denis Hall, was VFX Supervisor working with Wally Veevers and Doug Trumbull on 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY. Martyn auditioned as one of the apes for the movie when he was 8 years old. His experience gained from being around his father at Merton Park Studios, Larkins Studios, Worldwide Studios, MGM Borehamwood Studios etc. His time around his father was a strong learning ground… even though he was very young.
In 1968, Martyn’s father formed Filmfex Animation Limited and Filmfex Animation Services Limited. By 1971, whilst still studying A Levels and because he was a fast learner of the process, he was filming sequences of the JACKSON FIVE and THE OSMONDS cartoons. Martyn followed into the company, full time, in 1973. Once full time, he learnt the trade from ground up as Teaboy, Runner et al. Martyn worked overnight on the cameras working on TV IDENTS viz. Yorkshire Television, LWT, Anglia to name but a few. TV Commercials, Top and Tail on Programming such as BILLY LIAR. He worked on the Martini Adverts as Editor/Layup Editor, was Film Librarian, Assistant Cameraman, Cameraman, Optical Cameraman. Films worked on included CLOCKWORK ORANGE, ALIEN, BLADERUNNER, WATERSHIP DOWN, PLAGUE DOGS, GANDHI, THE KEEP, KRULL, CHARIOTS OF FIRE amongst others.
He was involved in organising the company moving premises from Charlotte Mews to Ganton Street. He was instrumental in buying the new building situated behind Boots in Regent Street, developing it and eventually in the sale of the property a few years later, based upon an advantageous Sale leaseback arrangement. Martyn eventually sold his interest in Filmfex in 1985.

Martyn and his father won a Gold Arrow BTAA Award for the VFX, the Craft Award. The award pictured above. Below is a picture of me with my father working on the Commercial. I was showing a colleague (also well known in the industry), what we were doing.
Martyn was initially involved with Britt Alcroft on THOMAS THE TANK. Worked on several high profile adverts, including American Express, Ford, Del Monte, Motta Bread, Beechams, Canon Sureshot. Booked and planned shoots, worked with many famous Film Directors and their Editors. Richard Attenborough, Ridley Scott, Martin Rosen, Peter Yeats, Michael Mann and not least Stan Kubrick.

With Denis Hall, Martyn formed HESTON STUDIOS which were eventually sold off but used for TV Commercials and Pop Promos. Some Pop Promos shot by Filmfex Productions were for TOYAH, BANANARAMA, ROGER DALTRY… to name a few. There were many others.
After spending time in finance and sales, Martyn returned to the Film Industry as a Development Producer working in Shepperton Studios and developed several movies. From then until now he has developed, assisted and led a team of people into a new innovative way of financing film production.
During his time in Film and TV Commercials, Martyn was Treasurer of the AFVPA which is voted on by fellow professionals. AFVPA = Advertising Film and Videotape Producers Association. Now known as PACT.